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BOH Minutes 9-15-2009

September 15, 2009

Members present: Marc Salinas, Vice Chair, Gayle Sullivan, Barbara Poremba, Noreen Casey, Larissa Lucas & Kemith LeBlanc

Members excused: Martin Fair

Others present: David Greenbaum, Acting Health Agent, Councillor Steven Pinto, Liaison & Tracy Giarla, Public Health Nurse

1. Call to order      by Marc Salinas, Vice Chair, at 7:00 pm.

2. Approval of Minutes   passed unanimously with corrections

3. Presentation by David Murphy & Atty Ken Whittaker

David Murphy gave his presentation to the board about the transfer station contract.  He describes the parcel of land where the transfer station will be. He explains to the board that there are many steps that need to be taken before the board can approve the contract. These steps have been completed. The list of concerns that the board should be aware of before approval include:
1. Size of Facility
2. Noise
3. Odor
4. Design issues
5. Traffic
6. Air quality
7. Health impact

After the board approves the contract, the owners of North Side Carting, must go before the City Council for final approval from the city.

Atty. Ken Whittaker described what authority the Board of Health has over approving this contract.  He also discussed about what jurisdiction the board has and the need to make decisions within reason.  The Board can also negotiate terms with North Side Carting (i.e. amount of tonnage that the site can accommodate).  
Atty. Whittaker offered to assume the role of hearing officer for the public.

Board members discussed dates for site visits to the Salem and North Andover transfer stations. The board recommended the site visits be open to the public.

Motion: to designate Atty. Ken Whittaker as hearing officer for the public hearing on the transfer station site assignment. 2nd

Discussion re: Atty. Whittaker’s fee for this position. Board agrees that if compensation expenses are in excess of resources they will need to readdress this issue.

Motion passes unanimously

4. Public Nurses Report:  Presented by Tracy Giarla, PHN (see attached).
   Dr. Lucas requests that Hepatitis A + case be retested and that the board members receive timely updates to the H1N1 situation.

5. Election of Chairperson
   Motion: to nominate Dr. Poremba as Chair, 2nd

    Nomination is open for discussion. Dr. Poremba stated that she is willing to take the position as Chair.   
    She is one of the senior members of the Board and has extensive experience in nursing and public health.
    Discussion to nominate Marc Salinas as Chairperson.  Marc Salinas describes his background as an attorney.
    He states he has little public health background and asks that the board take that into consideration.   
    He presents his strength in his ability to run meetings efficiently.

    Motion is called to elect Dr. Barbara Poremba as Chairperson.
   4 in favor, 2 opposed.   
    Motion passes.

6.  Role of Council Liaison.
   Councilor Stephen Pinto, Board Liaison, clarifies that his is role is to provide information to and from the
    City Council and Board of Health as necessary. He is not a voting member.

7. Updates from the Acting Health Agent
David Greenbaum reports his research findings on the cost of a variance for the open air seating to the health code.

Motion to approve the cost of a variance for 1-99 seats @ $90 & 100+ seats @ $180; 2nd
Motion passes unanimously

Discussion regarding issue of the “dog treats” that appeared in the local paper last month.
David Greenbaum explained that the BOH has been permitting retail stores that sell dog food and treats since
He has worked for the BOH.  The board also permits home kitchens for preparation of any type of food being
sold to the public unless they already have a wholesale license from the state.   He stated that he and
J.Mancini and he had been in contact with the Department of Public Health to review this matter as they
   may have been misinformed.  The retailing of dog “treats” and other animal foods being made in a home     kitchen does not come under the jurisdiction of the Board of Health. Instead, they are required to be licensed by the Department of Agriculture.  Regretfully, it was published in the local newspaper a few weeks after it had already been resolved internally.

8. Miscellaneous.
   All members and staff of the BOH extended a formal thank you to out-going member, Paulette Puleo for  
her hard work and dedication to the board.

Meeting adjourned 9:15pm

Respectfully submitted,

Heather Lyons
Clerk of the Board